My friend Jennifer and I have known each other for 20 years. We first met at a Turner Syndrome Symposium held at UCLA. Jennifer impressed me as a mature outspoken young adult, and talked about how she mentored and was a big sister to young girls with Turner Syndrome.
After the Symposium, I went home with a lot of information about Turner Syndrome. It is a chromosomal condition where a female has one X chromosome missing or incomplete. Some of the symptoms of Turner can be short stature, failure for ovaries to develop, and some heart problems. Every case of Turner Syndrome is different. Not all symptoms are found in every woman.
Jen and I bonded at the Symposium, and I wanted to be her big sister and mentor, and give her the guidance she so openly gave to others. I called Jennifer, and we met at Panera Bread where I officially asked her if I could be her big sister. The friendship has been going strong since.
A year ago Jen got married and we went to her wedding, and were inspired to do an episode to raise awareness about Turner Syndrome. A group of women coming together to celebrate Jennifer and her new husband John.
Peggy Lane, JC Henning, Marbry Steward, Jennifer Woods and myself came together to address certain issues concerning Turner Syndrome, talking about not being able to have children and some options such as adoption, in vitro fertilization, and raising awareness that all cases are different and that Turner Syndrome doesn’t usually run in families. Our goal was to keep an interesting and entertaining tone throughout the episode.
Our first thought was to film at a restaurant but when Peggy and I got to the designated eatery we found it too noisy. All of us decided to re-group and head back to the apartment where the episode emerged.
The episode opens and my character, Donna Reed is greeted in the lobby by annoying, nosy friends. The annoying friends convince Donna to let them see her apartment. Donna is left outside the apartment until her friend Jennifer remembers to let her in. The annoying friends have taken over the apartment acting as if it was their place touching personal items, asking for scones and petting Max the dog. Max ends up drinking out of the guest water glass, as Roo the dog looks on in amazement. Donna tries to hide her feelings of shock but it’s written all over her face. The talented JC Henning, Marbry Steward and Jennifer Woods made it a pleasure to do this episode.
As always, a huge thank you to Peggy Lane, Creator and Executive Producer. Peggy Directed, Filmed and Edited this episode. It was an absolute joy to use my facial expressions for this one!
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Roo the Dog.
Till we Blog again!

#DonnaOnTheGo #DonnaRusso #PeggyLane #Emmy #EmmyFYC #CraigHutchison #VinceDeadrickJr #FSH #FSHD #TurnerSyndrome #MercyhurstUniversity #IncludeUs #KMR #GailFordWilliamson #ALLin #DisabilityIsDiversity #DonnaOnTheBlog #AbilitiesExpo #AbilitiesExpoAmbassador #ABILITYMagazine #TolucanTimes #DeadlineHollywood #KMRDiversity #TamWarner #IWontGiveUp #Really #TelevisionAcademy #NewZealand #Inclusion #Diversity #EMMY #BigSisterLittleSister #BigSister #LittleSister #UCLA #TurnerSyndromeSymposium #Blog #JCHenning #MarbrySteward #JenniferWodds #JenniferFranson #Chromosome #XChromosome #InVitro #PaneraBread #MaxTheDog #RooTheDog #TilWeBlogAgain