I had just come back on November 29 from visiting family on the East Coast for Thanksgiving and had an ear and sinus infection. My hearing was just about completely gone! The studio was booked months ago for rehearsal on December 9 and filming shoot for December 10. I panicked and was afraid that I would not be able to do the rehearsal or the filming. I had to follow through with this commitment everything was in place - Dancers, Production Crew, and studio time. There was no turning back now.
As each day passed I was getting more anxious and nervous praying the eardrops the Doctor gave me would hurry up and work. Filming day was approaching and I was more nervous than ever, how will I hear the music? I can only hope for Loud LOUD music.
Peggy Lane and I were both sick. I had the ear and sinus infection and Peggy had a temperature of 102. Everyone became concerned as we started to Film because I couldn’t hear the music and there was a part where I had to say the words to the song with the music. I had to have all the direction notes from Tam texted to me because I couldn’t hear her. I relied on Peggy and Scott to help me understand what Tam was communicating. This was so frustrating for all of us.
When Scott and I breathe at the end of the dance I had to look at him and watch when he took a breath so I could be in unison with him, and yes the music was turned up full volume.
There is a section in the episode: FILMING where each of us was interviewed. We didn’t know we were going to be interviewed, and I didn’t hear when we were told to stretch behind the person being interviewed. I was so sick and exhausted from being sick, that I didn’t stretch until a few counts into the first interview.
This episode: FILMING makes me laugh a bit when I look back at how I lean into Tam to hear her, and the way I look at Scott for help to understand what was being said.
Losing your hearing makes you grateful for all the gifts you have in life. Be grateful for everything and don’t take it for granted. Life is a gift.
Till we Blog again!
